Why Don't We Grow up?

How do we overcome the illusion, delusion and confusion of our so-called life?

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WHAT IS MAN-boy syndrome ? 

Man-boy Syndrome describes the uninitiated, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, or spiritually wounded boy who grows up to inhabit a grown-up body. A man-boy carries his unresolved childhood issues with him wherever he goes. A man-boy may appear to be a man, but his words and behaviors give him away. Because a man-boy lives a life of illusion, delusion, and confusion he never fully grows up to become the man-being he is capable of becoming.

Now What


What's next is to re-evaluate life as you know it. It's time to recognize that you have been living at the affect of others your entire life and that this is no longer acceptable, if you wish to become the Man-being you came to be in this life-time.
